to adjust the angle of the beams ( where they focus ahead of vehicle) you need to look for an adjustment that's connected to the actual headlamp lens, but can be adjusted easily (?) without disassembly/removal of the lens housing.Open the hood and look down into the areas right next to the radiator. (there's not much room to work with). The adjuster varies from car to car and even from year to year, on some models. The main thing to look for is a threaded shaft that goes through all the way to the lens housing. Sometimes they make it easier to adjust it with an ordinary phillips screwdriver, or you may have to reach down deep into the cowel with a pair of channel locks to make the adjustment. One thing I can recommend is to spray the shaft of the adjuster with liquid wrench (or similar product) because the shaft will be coated with rust %26amp; somewhat difficult to twist easily (or even break the adjuster) and also remember that there are TWO adjusters. One for up %26amp; down AND One for side to side. On EACH lens.
When you get those lenses moving, put the main focus of light (bright area) about 10-15 feet in front of the vehicle (about a car length). Any adjustment further ahead than that runs risk of blinding other drivers and a moving violation from the police.
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